Wednesday 7 November 2012

How Obama Defeated Romney In Battlegrounds To Win 2nd Term

President Barack Obama handily defeated Gov. Mitt Romney and won himself a second term on Tuesday after an historically expensive race that was primarily fought in just a handful of battleground states.

The Romney campaign’s last-ditch attempt to put blue-leaning Midwestern swing states in play failed as Obama’s Midwestern firewall sent the president back to the White House for four more years. Obama picked up the swing states of New Hampshire, Michigan, New Mexico, Iowa, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, and Ohio. 

Networks project that Obama beat Romney after nabbing the crucial state of Ohio.

Florida and Virginia are still too close to call, but even if Romney won them, they would not give him enough Electoral College votes to put him over the top. The popular vote will most likely be much narrower than the president’s Electoral College victory.

The Obama victory marks an end to a year-long campaign that saw historic advertisement spending levels, countless rallies and speeches, and three much-watched debates.

The Romney campaign cast the election as a referendum on Obama’s economic policies, frequently comparing him to former President Jimmy Carter and asking voters the Reagan-esque question of whether they are better off than they were four years ago.

But the Obama campaign pushed back on the referendum framing, blanketing key states such as Ohio early on with ads painting him as a multimillionaire more concerned with profits than people. The Obama campaign also aggressively attacked Romney on reproductive rights issues, tying Romney to a handful of Republican candidates who made controversial comments about rape and abortion.

Now, Obama heads back to office facing what will most likely be bitterly partisan negotiations over whether the Bush tax cuts should expire. The House will still be majority Republican, with Democrats maintaining their majority in the Senate

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